Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are we willing to convert?

I realize that with all the flourishing technology there are many people who are afraid of what's happening, is this a fear that we really need to have? Technology for the most part helps to make our lives easier, better, etc. But it also takes away a lot of the available jobs. For instance My Uncle used to drive for the Pepsi Company and nearly every thing in the store was ran through automation rather then good old back breaking labor. This isn't a bad thing mind you seeing as how machines when working correctly, built true, and tried are less error prone then we as humans are (I.E. they don't drop stuff like we do). Don't take me wrong here I'm not calling machines perfect, I'm just saying they are less error prone then I am, so why should I worry that they are taking my job, after all it's just like having your job taken by the first guy who can do it better then I can right?

Science fiction authors for a long time now have written about futuristic technology, and one of the very interesting concepts are machines that are capable of making better machines. Is this a possibility, at the time I say nay, because machines as a whole can not think for themselves, at least not yet. If we were able to give them this ability, and them being machines (so less error prone) would be more capable of building a better machine then we could. And as this machine builds a better machine, the better machine builds a better machine, and the saga continues until eventually reaching the long sought after goal of perfection. My question though, will perfection ever be reached?

Please by all means feel free to answer both questions in a post! Also by all means let's discuss this idea often posed by science fiction authors in more detail. Well everyone my answers to the questions are simple. Question 1.) Being that isn't a more perfect machine taking my job the same as another human who can do better then me taking said job. My answer is yes it's virtually the same thing. Question 2.) Will perfection ever be reached? Well I think at the very least not in my lifetime, but it depends on what you see as perfection I suppose. I don't think that there will ever be a perfect being rather human or mechanical, if your thought for the idea of perfection is error free so much so that there is no possibility of error for the remainder of said beings existence. Unless of course the Christian religion is correct or many religions for that matter (I personally hold to the Christian faith perhaps I will talk more of my views in a later post, but only if it is something you would like to hear) are correct.