Sunday, April 26, 2009

I just read this ...

Okay, so I was talking to my friend Wayne a few hours ago and he sent me a link to this thing he found on craigs list, I found it to be for the most part true, and I think it could open some eyes, so I'll put the link here.

Link to Thing

Also, I wanted to give a quick update while I was here, so I was checking on my cell phone from where I'm supposed to be getting a new one soon, and I will be, but I'm not at this moment entirely sure when, as it will cost $50.00 to get the phone replaced. So anyway how are you guys and girls?

Is the present the only truth?

This is just a random thought that just occurred to me. Okay so the present is quite possibly the only thing we know for sure, the future is never clear and anything can happen, and the past is often obscured through our human mind. We can never be completely sure and often times many ... many details are uncertain. I'm curious does this mean that the present moment is the only absolute, and if so, how do we know what things in our past are true, and what is being obscured?

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Okay, so I got an email today from Dr. Baily my Intro to Computer Science instructor, and I really thought it was going to be something serious. The email just said, Daniel, Do you think you could come by and talk to me for a few minutes sometime? Anyway I went and talked with the guy for a few minutes. As it turned out all he wanted to do was talk me into changing my major to Computer Science, which I already planned on doing so, but I left it as undeclared to avoid a class I didn't need. So anyway, the reason why I called this Complements, is because shortly after he told me why I was there he told me he wanted me to switch majors because I was very gifted in computer science. That to me was the biggest compliment I have ever been given by an instructor, keep in mind this is a man who has spent is entire life in the feild of Computer Science, and he tells me I'm Gifted.

Okay, so here are some questions that I've been pondering lately

  • If one thing is the meaning of everything else then what is the meaning of that one thing?

  • If man is made in the image of God, then does God also have the desire to create and then destroy, does he have the desire of perfection, does he have the same desires as us?

  • What is the meaning of life? Specifically what am I here for?

  • Can anything ever be truly original, is everything not inspired by something else?

  • If you truly love someone would you be willing to put a gun to them and pull the trigger if they were begging you to end their misery?

  • Where do I go from here?

Monday, April 20, 2009

To: Timmy

Timmy you were the best roommate I could have hoped for, why did you move? Seriously we could have roomed together for the next three years, I mean really! Miss talking to you, and being chased under the bed ... ah good times, good times. But really how have you been Timmy?

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Finals week is closing in, that means summer will be here soon as well. Which means road trip time, but I need a job (I got to get money for it somehow don't I?). The problem is the economy is currently in recession and not many place are hiring, I have a ton of applications (Turning them in later today after class, yes today not tomorrow it's 12:28 am here), and am doing odd jobs here and there for the quick $5.00 or so. Why road trip? Two reasons: 1) I need to get away for a while. 2) I really want to hang out with Maria and her friends (I've been wanting to meet all of you for a while, and hopefully I will get to soon). Okay so now that that's out of the way, what else has been going on? Well to be honest not much, not much at all. Just school, homework, more school, more homework, more school, and looking for a job in my free time. I still get my Tuesday evening Dungeons and Dragons time in which is nice, and my Wednesday comic book store runs (Yes I buy the cheap ones 5 for a dollar, that's the section I go to) which is nice. Lately I've been hooked on the Shadow Man series, it's about a sax player who at night turns into, that's right you guessed it The Shadow Man, unoriginal maybe, but it's still a very good series. Okay, so I really need to get my self in shape, so I decided on a thing to do at least four days a week, I'm going to try my best to run/walk at least a mile, do somewhere between 20 and 50+ push ups and sit ups (of course spread out throughout my work out), and do all the exercises that we were taught in Kung-Fu (leg lifts (I really don't like those), stretches, forms, etc.). Of course this work out is considering that I can make time in between classes to pull it off, I should be able to, but hey no promises. Well that's pretty much it for the time being, how are things on your ends?

Suggested readings

Well I said I would put one up here, so I'm going to suggest a few books for all of you to read, I've read these and find them utterly amazing.

  1. Night by Elie Wiesel

  2. The philosophical Strangler by Eric Flint

  3. The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King (haven't finished the entire series yet, but it's good)

  4. The Hannibal Lector series by Thomas Harris

  5. Black Sunday by Thomas Harris

If you guys have any thoughts on what I have listed here, please comment and tell me what you think. Also if you have any suggested reads of your own please leave a comment telling us all what those are, it will be much appreciated, at least by me.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The days events

Well I'm not sure how often I will post things like this, it honestly depends on the readers if you want more I'll put more. Okay so anyway today first off I redid my friend Nathan's site you can see it later, I'll put a link on here soon, but first he needs to get it hosted. That will probally happen in the next few days. After that I went to boone with a friend, and we went bowling, heck yeah pattern it's official though I suck at at bowling, but hey what's new? Anyway, what's up with you guys?

Hello World

Hello world,
My name is Daniel Potter, and I live in a rural town where there is nothing to do. I guess you could say I got talked into blogging by Maria Udarbe (I'll post a link to her blog in the side bar), but it didn't take her that much to talk me into this. I guess I'll put some of the stuff I write on here, and try to keep my fellow friends updated on things that are going on. I'll try to put up a few play lists of music that I'm addicted to. I am, if you can't tell, a Nerd/Geek, what ever you want to call me, I enjoy programming, writing web pages in HTML and use CSS for formatting of said pages, gaming, talking with friends (even though I am fairly antisocial and anticircles, I'm more of square guy, but small squares), playing DND (Dungeons and Dragons), writing, (yeah that's the oxford comma) and reading. That reminds me I'll also do a books I suggest you read, I'll try to keep that updated every once in a while. Well that's all for this post, how is everyone doing?