Thursday, September 30, 2010

Renewed activity...

I know...

I do in fact realize that even since I posted the new blogging schedule that I haven't been staying true to it. Hopefully that will change starting today, it's just that I've been very busy since my last blog, but hopefully everything will work out now! note: I did say hopefully.


Recently I've resubscribed to my CoH (City of Heroes) account and have gotten back into the swing of things there and to be perfectly honest, I'm loving it! For those of you who do play the game and know about the new expansion, no I haven't gotten it yet, but do plan to (hopefully out of my next paycheck). And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about check out this website City of Heroes.


Well nothing really else has been going on that is noteworthy in my book, and by book I don't mean the kind that you read, basically I mean my brain. But I'm sure you all would have assumed as much even if I hadn't been clear about what it is that I really meant. Feel free to comment your thoughts below and remember life is a roller coaster it has it's ups and downs, it's fast times and slow times, just follow the current, you'll eventually get to your destination. (Not really sure if anyone said that before or if it's just my own little "Original" saying. Note: I put original in quotation marks because it is my belief that you can't ever have something that is in fact truly original, because as I see it, everything has been at least somewhat inspired by something else.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is life?

I've been thinking alot about this perticular question, and it seems to me that the answer is life is but a series of choices with a hopeful ending many times influenced by religion, society, those around us, and many other things. I also believe that these choices are what gives life it's meaning. At each cross road, so to speak, we have to choose right or left. Sometimes we choose between good and evil, sometimes we choose the greater of various goods, but it seems more often then not we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. This thought has been awakening for me as I think about why it is we are often forced to choose the lesser of two evils, and I believe that perhaps it isn't that that is what we do most of but that those choices are the most memorable ones. That is my thought what is yours?