Sunday, April 19, 2009


Finals week is closing in, that means summer will be here soon as well. Which means road trip time, but I need a job (I got to get money for it somehow don't I?). The problem is the economy is currently in recession and not many place are hiring, I have a ton of applications (Turning them in later today after class, yes today not tomorrow it's 12:28 am here), and am doing odd jobs here and there for the quick $5.00 or so. Why road trip? Two reasons: 1) I need to get away for a while. 2) I really want to hang out with Maria and her friends (I've been wanting to meet all of you for a while, and hopefully I will get to soon). Okay so now that that's out of the way, what else has been going on? Well to be honest not much, not much at all. Just school, homework, more school, more homework, more school, and looking for a job in my free time. I still get my Tuesday evening Dungeons and Dragons time in which is nice, and my Wednesday comic book store runs (Yes I buy the cheap ones 5 for a dollar, that's the section I go to) which is nice. Lately I've been hooked on the Shadow Man series, it's about a sax player who at night turns into, that's right you guessed it The Shadow Man, unoriginal maybe, but it's still a very good series. Okay, so I really need to get my self in shape, so I decided on a thing to do at least four days a week, I'm going to try my best to run/walk at least a mile, do somewhere between 20 and 50+ push ups and sit ups (of course spread out throughout my work out), and do all the exercises that we were taught in Kung-Fu (leg lifts (I really don't like those), stretches, forms, etc.). Of course this work out is considering that I can make time in between classes to pull it off, I should be able to, but hey no promises. Well that's pretty much it for the time being, how are things on your ends?


Anonymous said...


Nice. Nice. Yea man, can't wait to see you and wayne. Bonfire and bowling man. Do the Nerdy stuff. yea!!! Gods, lyndsye is gonna whack me upside the head...I swear...I thought she was going to kick me when I showed her that mario song i sent to you that one night. She kept giving me the 'Maria...Your a Nerd' Look. hahahahah.

Daniel Potter said...

That would be great what if we went bowling with flaming bowling balls, or maybe the pins could be on fire, haha, jk. But yeah I always do the Nerdy stuff. If she gave you that look for the Mario song, I kind of get the felling I'd get it just for being there.

SonicFanFuentes said...

Is it like the look I get whenever I go anywhere? Speaking of road trips, I took one out to Gary's recently, but he ws out with Jeff? -That is what Gary Sr. said. If I had of known his number I would have called in advance, though really, it was no problem since I took Daniel out that way to eat some Thai food at Monsoons. She has this hot sauce she named after her pastor at Bethany. If you want to get in better, try hanging out with Daniel. He has me going all over the place and he is constantly exercising, and listening to country music (if you can stand that). I can do at most 45 push-ups without rest on or off gravel. I done the butterfly and was able to get my head down to the floor after 15+ minutes. I felt more flexable after that long time. Time just passes right by when your listening to music.

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