Friday, November 12, 2010

So I missed yesterday


I failed in keeping my schedule here and with youtube, well with youtube the interwebs were down Wednesday so I couldn't keep that one, but here I have no excuse. So I apologize, but that is all. At any rate, g'day to you readers!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Smart Shopping...

I know I'm not an expert...

So who am I but just a Nerdy guy? Who am I to give advice about shopping? Well my advice isn't for your normal stuff, it's just for things like clothing (considering of course that you don't mind wearing used clothing), books, video games, some toys, and even some furniture.

Get to the point...

The point is that you can save many many dollars by going to thrift stores and shopping online. There are just so many great bargains. Don't be afraid to shop through used items, as long as they are in good condition and not worn out they will still last for good amounts of time.

So who do I thank...

Well I suppose that if you had to thank someone it'd be my upbringing. I was raised shopping where ever I could find a bargain. So thank my mother for the thrift store advice. At any rate that is all for now, hope you all have fun!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hey guys...


For not getting a blog out yesterday I'm sorry. I have a schedule thus I should keep to it, but yesterday I was playing with a new toy, a free one which allows you to catalog all of your books. And even has library like options so you can keep track of who has what book. I recommend for anyone with a substantial amount of books. At first cataloging your collection but then after the initial time adding new stuff isn't so bad, and it's well worth it :) At any rate g'day everyone and here is a link to the program: BookDB

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



First let's specify that while musical instruments may be used for what I'm talking about I'm really not very good at any, although I can play a G chord on a guitar. My Instruments however must be my brain, pen, and hand. Allow me to say that the definition I'm using for instrument here is an item of good use. For instance your reading something here that my brain and hands gave for your enjoyment.


The above definition is the one I'm using for this question, but I've given you my instruments what are yours?