Monday, February 20, 2012

The most poweful phase...


So yes I know this is late but...

This is late for when it would have made the most since, but it's something I've been thinking about for quite a while now, and I'm just now getting around to posting it. The idea behind what I'm saying is simple: What exactly does "I love you" mean?

What it should mean...

When your significant other tells you that he or she loves you, it should be completely legitimate, and should mean that he or she feels so strongly about it that that person would do anything for you, I think that there is a song that really sums up my opinion of this truth by a person who has an amazing way with words... Hank Greene:

What it sadly means most times that it is spoken aloud...

Most times when it's said it's sadly enough just that: meaningless sounds coming out of the mouth of the one who says it. Most of the one's reading this, girls especially, can think of someone who's said they loved you in the past, but they only say it to get you to do something for them. Sadly this is all it is most of the time. Most guys will utter these three tiny words just to manipulate a girl to do their bidding.

This isn't to say that...

Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying right now that if you are in a relationship where the other party is telling you that they love you that that's in anyway wrong. What I'm saying is look at the times they tell you. Do they only say it after, you've done something for them? Do they say it when their wanting something and no other time? Do they only say it because you do? If this is the case they probably don't mean it. Do they tell you randomly? Do they tell you at times you'd never expect it? Do they tell you even after you've made a mistake? If you hurt them accidentally or on purpose do they still say it? If this is the case it may very well be true.

Just remember...

The most powerful sentence in the English language is made up of three tiny words: "I Love You." Those three words have so very much power. You can be manipulated by them and manipulate others with them. So how can you tell if the person saying it means it? Well how far are they willing to go for you? How often are they there when you just need to talk? How often do they offer you a shoulder to cry on when your in pain? How often are they willing to give without asking for anything at all in return?


Anonymous said...

TO many times love is used for manipulation. It hurts and it causes people to become afraid and build walls that no force on earth can break through. Then sometimes the most amazing thing happen. When you believe your broken beyond all repair a man or woman sweeps in and shows you what you been missing so you peep out behind your wall like a scared child meeting a stranger for the first time. they don't push they don't make you break your boundaries they let you come to them in their own time and then you find a love that makes you smile and makes you feel safe and even if it ends which is a possibility even in the best of relationships you know that for a moment you knew what true love was and keeps you hoping through out this journey of life where we all want to be loved and accepted

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