Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Consistency... or lack there of

Look around us...

Look around us, what is consistent what isn't? I look and see that true consistency isn't common except in ideas or schedules. We schedule our own lives to be consistent, wash this, clean that, and then go get groceries. But I wander what our lives would be like if we took a cue from mother nature. Yeah sure you can expect some things to remain the same like a tree will always be there, or it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer of course unless your near one of the two poles where it is always cold, or near the equator where it's always hot. But let us take one thing from nature and learn a little: Snow. Every snow flake is different, and no two are the same. My thought is if instead of scheduling our lives, except what is necessary, and lived it impromptu for a short time, how would it work out. Would we prefer the possible chaos, with good moments lived better because they aren't planned our will we miss our weekly scheduling notebook? Feel free to comment below to leave me your thoughts.


VideoGameMafia said...

hmm i don't know how i should comment but i agree with you on that.

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