Friday, November 12, 2010

So I missed yesterday


I failed in keeping my schedule here and with youtube, well with youtube the interwebs were down Wednesday so I couldn't keep that one, but here I have no excuse. So I apologize, but that is all. At any rate, g'day to you readers!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Smart Shopping...

I know I'm not an expert...

So who am I but just a Nerdy guy? Who am I to give advice about shopping? Well my advice isn't for your normal stuff, it's just for things like clothing (considering of course that you don't mind wearing used clothing), books, video games, some toys, and even some furniture.

Get to the point...

The point is that you can save many many dollars by going to thrift stores and shopping online. There are just so many great bargains. Don't be afraid to shop through used items, as long as they are in good condition and not worn out they will still last for good amounts of time.

So who do I thank...

Well I suppose that if you had to thank someone it'd be my upbringing. I was raised shopping where ever I could find a bargain. So thank my mother for the thrift store advice. At any rate that is all for now, hope you all have fun!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hey guys...


For not getting a blog out yesterday I'm sorry. I have a schedule thus I should keep to it, but yesterday I was playing with a new toy, a free one which allows you to catalog all of your books. And even has library like options so you can keep track of who has what book. I recommend for anyone with a substantial amount of books. At first cataloging your collection but then after the initial time adding new stuff isn't so bad, and it's well worth it :) At any rate g'day everyone and here is a link to the program: BookDB

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



First let's specify that while musical instruments may be used for what I'm talking about I'm really not very good at any, although I can play a G chord on a guitar. My Instruments however must be my brain, pen, and hand. Allow me to say that the definition I'm using for instrument here is an item of good use. For instance your reading something here that my brain and hands gave for your enjoyment.


The above definition is the one I'm using for this question, but I've given you my instruments what are yours?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Today at BK where I work, we had an anti drug thing going on, and I jsut wanted to very quickly say stay away from drugs!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Insainity is a choice...

Is it?

I've recently had a thought that perhaps one who is sane could choose to let go of their sanity, but if this is the case then is it really going insane if it's a sane decision to do so?

(P.S.) Please forgive me for the shortness of tonights blog.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Consistency... or lack there of

Look around us...

Look around us, what is consistent what isn't? I look and see that true consistency isn't common except in ideas or schedules. We schedule our own lives to be consistent, wash this, clean that, and then go get groceries. But I wander what our lives would be like if we took a cue from mother nature. Yeah sure you can expect some things to remain the same like a tree will always be there, or it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer of course unless your near one of the two poles where it is always cold, or near the equator where it's always hot. But let us take one thing from nature and learn a little: Snow. Every snow flake is different, and no two are the same. My thought is if instead of scheduling our lives, except what is necessary, and lived it impromptu for a short time, how would it work out. Would we prefer the possible chaos, with good moments lived better because they aren't planned our will we miss our weekly scheduling notebook? Feel free to comment below to leave me your thoughts.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A contuining theme


My last post was about Dracula, and as I was talking to the girl who has put my heart in a box (That box of course being her) and threw away the key, yeah my girlfriend about just how much that one novel has effected society today. Ever since I can remember I've been a vampire for Halloween, there were a few times were I didn't dress up and once where I dressed up as a business man raised from the dead, but every other time I have been a vampire, and think without that book I never would have dressed up as such. With out Dracula yes I'm sorry to say this, there would be no twilight, for you twilight fans out there who aren't aware of their roots, please go back and read this wonderful book. Become aware of one of the greatest things to ever happen to the vampire legend, Dracula. While I myself am not a huge fan of the lowlight series, I just don't believe it would have ever been written if vampires hadn't been popular. And this one work was one of the things that made vampires popular. If I'm wrong please by all means correct me, but until I am corrected then this will forever remain my view.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The Book

Released in 1897, Bram Stoker's Dracula is an amazing read, and to get me to think of this post I found an amazingly beautiful copy of it printed for $13.00 at Walmart and well simply couldn't pass it up, it was strange mind you to find that there and such awesome deal on it as well! But at any rate my thoughts on the book are as follows:

  • This book is stunningly amazing! Perhaps it's the spawn of the vampires as we know them. No not the flashy vampires from Twilight but real hard-core blood suckers that I've loved since child hood.

  • Bram Stoker has become known for this one novel, and when I hear the name I don't think of anything else, so that has to mean that it's amazing right? Wrong: While it is an amazing and highly suggested read by yours truly, people have been remembered for bad things too right, I mean look at OJ.

  • This was what turned me into a Bram Stoker fan, while I haven't had the opportunity to read any of his other work, and until recently I didn't have a clue that he had ever written anything else, I have every intention of picking up his other works!

The Movie

So there are many movies based off of Bram Stoker's Dracula, perhaps the most terrifying of which, in my opinion anyway, is the newest of the releases, it was well done, and I thought did a decent job of bringing the book to life. Be fully warned however that unless Stoker himself were to come back from the grave, perhaps as Dracula?, and write the script then the movies will never match the epic levels brought forth by the book. But for those of you who don't like to read defiantly catch this amazing film! There are also spoofs, my favorite of which is Dracula: Dead and loving it. It is a black and white film, but is absolutely make you fall of the couch laughing wile watching it hilarious! So many funny parts, I'm not even sure where to begin a review at, so let me just say WATCH IT!!!

The Play

While I've only ever seen the play presented at Barter Theater in Abingdon, VA, it was still amazing! They did a wonderful job portraying the characters in Stokers book, and if you are ever given a chance to see this wonderful play then by all means hop on the Halloween band wagon of sorts.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ah the trials tribulations and joys of life...

The Bad...

The bad is that I'm really freaking hungry after working nearly 8 hours, and still not eating since I've been off work for 2, I haven't eaten!

The Good...

The good is that I has food in the fridge and plan to eat very soon! SO YAY!!!

The Ugly...

Well rust!


Sorry this post wasn't much Thursdays will be better Promise.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Renewed activity...

I know...

I do in fact realize that even since I posted the new blogging schedule that I haven't been staying true to it. Hopefully that will change starting today, it's just that I've been very busy since my last blog, but hopefully everything will work out now! note: I did say hopefully.


Recently I've resubscribed to my CoH (City of Heroes) account and have gotten back into the swing of things there and to be perfectly honest, I'm loving it! For those of you who do play the game and know about the new expansion, no I haven't gotten it yet, but do plan to (hopefully out of my next paycheck). And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about check out this website City of Heroes.


Well nothing really else has been going on that is noteworthy in my book, and by book I don't mean the kind that you read, basically I mean my brain. But I'm sure you all would have assumed as much even if I hadn't been clear about what it is that I really meant. Feel free to comment your thoughts below and remember life is a roller coaster it has it's ups and downs, it's fast times and slow times, just follow the current, you'll eventually get to your destination. (Not really sure if anyone said that before or if it's just my own little "Original" saying. Note: I put original in quotation marks because it is my belief that you can't ever have something that is in fact truly original, because as I see it, everything has been at least somewhat inspired by something else.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is life?

I've been thinking alot about this perticular question, and it seems to me that the answer is life is but a series of choices with a hopeful ending many times influenced by religion, society, those around us, and many other things. I also believe that these choices are what gives life it's meaning. At each cross road, so to speak, we have to choose right or left. Sometimes we choose between good and evil, sometimes we choose the greater of various goods, but it seems more often then not we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. This thought has been awakening for me as I think about why it is we are often forced to choose the lesser of two evils, and I believe that perhaps it isn't that that is what we do most of but that those choices are the most memorable ones. That is my thought what is yours?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are we willing to convert?

I realize that with all the flourishing technology there are many people who are afraid of what's happening, is this a fear that we really need to have? Technology for the most part helps to make our lives easier, better, etc. But it also takes away a lot of the available jobs. For instance My Uncle used to drive for the Pepsi Company and nearly every thing in the store was ran through automation rather then good old back breaking labor. This isn't a bad thing mind you seeing as how machines when working correctly, built true, and tried are less error prone then we as humans are (I.E. they don't drop stuff like we do). Don't take me wrong here I'm not calling machines perfect, I'm just saying they are less error prone then I am, so why should I worry that they are taking my job, after all it's just like having your job taken by the first guy who can do it better then I can right?

Science fiction authors for a long time now have written about futuristic technology, and one of the very interesting concepts are machines that are capable of making better machines. Is this a possibility, at the time I say nay, because machines as a whole can not think for themselves, at least not yet. If we were able to give them this ability, and them being machines (so less error prone) would be more capable of building a better machine then we could. And as this machine builds a better machine, the better machine builds a better machine, and the saga continues until eventually reaching the long sought after goal of perfection. My question though, will perfection ever be reached?

Please by all means feel free to answer both questions in a post! Also by all means let's discuss this idea often posed by science fiction authors in more detail. Well everyone my answers to the questions are simple. Question 1.) Being that isn't a more perfect machine taking my job the same as another human who can do better then me taking said job. My answer is yes it's virtually the same thing. Question 2.) Will perfection ever be reached? Well I think at the very least not in my lifetime, but it depends on what you see as perfection I suppose. I don't think that there will ever be a perfect being rather human or mechanical, if your thought for the idea of perfection is error free so much so that there is no possibility of error for the remainder of said beings existence. Unless of course the Christian religion is correct or many religions for that matter (I personally hold to the Christian faith perhaps I will talk more of my views in a later post, but only if it is something you would like to hear) are correct.